Notice of Default

Notification furnished to a borrower advising them that proper payments have not been made by a predetermined deadline on a loan secured against real property and that if the money owed, plus fees, is not paid in a given time, a foreclosure proceeding against the property will be initiated. This is the initial step in the foreclosure process.

Starting a foreclosure is as easy as
  1. Click on the "Get Started Now" button below.
  2. Complete the secure online form, or download a printable version.
  3. Submit the form securely via the website, e-mail, fax, or mail it to us.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens at the sale?

We announce the opening bid and ask the bidders to qualify by identifying themselves and showing the Auctioneer their cash and/or cashier’s checks in an amount sufficient to bid. All American Foreclosure Service conducts the sale and the successful bid is the highest bid over the opening bid. If there are other bidders, the highest bidder gains ownership of the property. We then accept money, obtain personal information and give the successful bidder a receipt. The Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale is prepared and delivered to them by the Trustee within a few days of the sale. The lender receives their money and an accounting as well.

Foreclosure Statistics
2009 To 2014 Foreclosure Statistics for San Luis Obispo County, California

This document details the number of Notice of Defaults, Notice of Sales, and Trustee's Deeds filed in San Luis Obispo County, CA from January 2009 through 2014. For review of data prior to 2009 please contact our office.

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