The right trustee is essential for a successful foreclosure.
Welcome to our Website
At All American Foreclosure Service we process Foreclosures from start to finish. We manage non-judicial foreclosures in all Counties throughout the State of California. We provide one-on-one personal service and direct information so you can determine the best and most cost effective foreclosure solution.
As a Foreclosure Trustee Company, we like to consider ourselves a "one stop shop".
With 30+ years as foreclosure trustees, real estate agents, contractors, a loan brokerage and loan servicing company, we understand every loan is specific to a borrower, a lender, and a property.
We are confident our range of experience and depth of knowledge can provide you with issue-specific information and solutions, in addition to Trustee Sales that can stand up to challenge.
All American Foreclosure Service has been in operation in San Luis Obispo, California, since 1982. We have conducted literally thousands of Trustee Sales. Because we are the oldest foreclosure company in our area and due to our relationships with Foreclosure Trustees nationwide, we continue to conduct over 95% of the Trustee Sales at our local courthouse steps daily … that’s a lot of experience and a lot of street sense about how foreclosures work.
Know that we are with you every step of the way and you can rely on us to handle the details for you. Our experienced staff is waiting to assist you.
It has never been truer than now…. The Right Trustee Is Essential For A Successful Foreclosure.
Our Foreclosure Services

Process Non-Judicial Foreclosures
Record Notice of Default, Review Title Report (Trustee Sale Guarantee), mail/post Notices, set a sale date, record, post and publish Notice of Trustee Sale and conduct the Trustee Sale (auctioneer service). Mobile Home foreclosures included, call for details.
Homeowner’s Associations
Final Demand; Notice of Intent to Lien; Notice of Delinquent Assessment; Notice of Default through Notice of Trustee Sale and conducting Trustee Sale. Call us for more specific information.
Bankruptcy Consultation
Experience with bankruptcies and the non-judicial foreclosure process; referral services to bankruptcy counsel or coordinate with your legal counsel.
Title Research & Reconveyances
Document Retrieval from County Recorder’s Office (Deeds of Trust, Assignments), Full and Partial Reconveyances; Junior and Senior Lien Monitoring; consultation for title concerns you may have.
Real Estate Consultation
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure; Lender/Borrower Work-Outs; Property Evaluation; Management & Liquidation.
Notary Public
Notary Services by appointment at our office or your location. Notary Fee: $10 per signature (Acknowledgment) or oath (Jurat). If traveling to your location, there may be a mileage fee, depending on your location.
Starting a foreclosure is as easy as
- Click on the "Get Started Now" button below.
- Complete the secure online form, or download a printable version.
- Submit the form securely via the website, e-mail, fax, or mail it to us.

What we do during the "Reinstatement Period"?
All American Foreclosure Service will review and forward a copy of the Trustee Sale Guaranty we order from the Title Company, to see who has a recorded interest in the property as owner or as lien holder; check for bankruptcy and ensure proper notice to the Trustor and subsequent owners or junior lien holders. Within 10 days we are required to mail a copy of the Notice of Default to the Trustor and those who have recorded a Request for Special Notice and within 30 days we send a copy of the Notice of Default to any junior lien holders and other parties. Upon expiration of the 3 month reinstatement period, we proceed to set a Trustee Sale.

2009 To 2014 Foreclosure Statistics for San Luis Obispo County, California
This document details the number of Notice of Defaults, Notice of Sales, and Trustee's Deeds filed in San Luis Obispo County, CA from January 2009 through 2014. For review of data prior to 2009 please contact our office.